Halloween is just around the corner, and I'm getting more and more excited day by day. So, I though I'm gonna share with you my costume arsenal. I only have the first digital pictures as evidence from 2004, so let's see how did I look in the past 6 years.
2004 - Make up-y
I didn't really have any concrete costume ideas back then, so I (with a little help of my friend) only made a kick-ass make up. You can call it the "purple widow" I suppose.
2005 - Ville Valo era
A flashback to my Ville Valo-ism. I used to be slightly fanatic, and I wanted to do everything the way that bastard did :) HIM had a gig on Halloween, so I stole Ville's make up idea and made it myself.

This is Ville in case you were wondering :)

2006 - Vampire
Believe it or not, the vampire costume didn't come up in my mind for years. This one became a really solid (or should I say poor?) costume, too - just the make up mainly. I might dress up as a proper bloodsucker one day :)
2007 - Home decor
In 2007 I got the Halloween bug and I decorated my whole room with spooky webs, a ghost-like creature called "Buddy", some black and orange balloons and skeletons :) I also tried to play with the lighting, so I borrowed some lighters from my parents, which have also funcioned as small blue flashlights - and there you have a spooky room.
As for the costume, I bought a black robe and my friend Nora was so kind to do my make up. Don't really know how to call this one... Companion of Death? Dunno, but it looked awesome!
Isn't he lovely? :)
I made Nora's make up... she looked like she had a fight with kittens :)
We also went on a trick-or-treat trip, which was very funny - we even sung for sweets :)
2008 - The Joker
In this year we had a really, really Halloweenish party, loads of guests, loads of great costumes. I dressed up as 2008's greatest villain, The Joker. The decoration from my room moved downstairs to the living- and diningroom. Candles floading in "blood", garland with spiders on it and spiderwebs.
And the rest of us...
2009 - Mrs. Freddy
Simplicity is great! But when it comes to the item you have to buy, it can be a bit expensive :) My Freddy Krueger outfit consisted of a stripy long sleeved T-shirt, a hat, red make up around my eyes and the signature glove with knives - the latter costed a fortune! :)
The decoration became complete with some Jack-o-rice-lanters and meringue ghosts on the table.
and us...
I'm not gonna tell you my costume idea for this year, but it'll be great (and very home made) I assure you ;)
Happy Halloween in advance everybody! Start preparing ;)