Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin factory

It's only 2 days until Halloween, and I've already managed to make three pumpkin carvings and there still one pumpkin left... :) I didn't use any stencils I was only looking at a printed picture while I was drawing the lines and I didn't even practice, but I think I made quite a good job :) How do you like them? Hope the pictures will give you some ideas for your own carvings. Good luck!

This owly carving is the best one I've made so far I think.

Chesh is here too :)

...and a good old pirate fellow :)


  1. Excellent pumpkin carving skills! Looks as though you had a blast :-)

  2. thank you! oh yes, the party was amazing! :) did you dress up as well or was only Dan wearing that scary wolf mask? :)
